The true intent behind anything we do is to give a gift. What ultimately motivates us is love, and the desire to create something for people we care about, and the effect it will have, as it ripples out from us, to touch everything that we care about. This is how we can be life-giving energy in the world, like sunshine.
Writing, working with Intuitive Mentoring, and Energy Tending are me doing my best to be sunshine.
I work with smart, sensitive people who want to invite and inhabit a larger deeper story about bringing their true courage and grace to life in the world.
I can help, if you…
~want to learn how to find the creativity, resourcefulness, and strength hidden in your sensitive nature
~feel as if you are standing at the threshold of opening your spiritual awareness and deep self-expression.
~feel trapped in a question or a conflict that is dominating your life.
~want to experience being guided from within
~are ready to shine!
I am deeply interested in spirituality, the spirit of humanity, and sensitivity.
Many sensitive people feel challenged by being human. We may look around at all the pain humans cause each other and the earth, and say, “I hate humanity!” “It is too hard to be here,” or “It’s too hard to be me!” It can be a challenge to say “I deeply and completely love and accept myself” —and feel like you mean it.
I am good at helping people to re-imagine their sensitivity as the true spiritual gift that it is. I call it “Sensitive Intelligence.”
I see Sensitive Intelligence as a new and developing human capacity for connecting with the wholeness of the earth and the cosmos through our subtle senses. We all have the innate capacity to utilize our subtle senses; we just need to awaken to them. Sensitive people are way ahead of the game here, but many of us are trapped in a “broken” psychological definition of ourselves.
We have the opportunity to be way-showers for humanity in demonstrating what it means to be fully human.