The Art of Loving

Here are two offerings that I want to share with you. Each is a window into the art of loving, and each is written by friend and colleague. This first story was created by EFT practitioner and therapist Zoë Zimmerman. Zoë says: For a long time, in my psychotherapy...

Sensitivity and Self Esteem

  I got an email with an excellent question:  Is sensitivity the same as low self-esteem? The basic answer is no, they are not the same.  But there is a longer, deeper answer that I will begin here, and continue in future newsletters.  I speak as a highly...

Is Self Help Selfish?

I just did an internet search on “self help.” I did this search because so often I hear people talking about being selfish.  I don’t know what it is like in other parts of the world, but at least in the US we are raised to be on the lookout for our own selfish...

Are you a sensitive Introvert, or a sensitive Extrovert?

Do any of these statements feel true for you?   Other people’s moods affect me. I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days: into a place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation. When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment I...

Create a Holding Space for Shame and Fear

How can we deal with big, heavy important issues that are not going to go away with tapping phrases that start “Even though I feel shame…” ? How do we know what to say when we are tapping, especially for big issues like shame and fear? The best strategy I know is to...

How Do I Know What to Say with EFT?

    My client, who has fibromyalgia, told me that the EFT work we did together in our sessions works really well for her, but when she tries to do EFT on her own, she can’t think of what to say. So, while we did a session together on the pain she was...